Downloading problem with the ps4 help with download ps4 downloads take forever how to make my ps4 downloads faster how to get my ps4 downloads faster https:/.... I noticed with both the ps3 and ps4, that if you use wifi- speeds are shit. it would take me to download just about anything. since then, i always hard wire my ps3 and ps4, and i haven't been noticing it ever get that slow anymore. try hard-wiring the ethernet and just using that.. For call of duty: black ops iii on the playstation 4, a gamefaqs message board topic titled "download taking forever?"..
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My main channel: gta v taking longer than expected to install? check to see if you're still downloading and let it completely d.... The download time is extremely long, and then the install time is almost equally as long. i understand that traffic is heavy because of the new launch but if this is the way the digital games are going to be distributed it's going to be horrible.. The agonizingly slow download speeds of sony's playstation network are well-documented. it's especially obnoxious when you come home from a long day of work, ready to play a newly released game or.
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